Nail up your nails

First of all, what do you think about polishing your nails??????

For me, honestly, NOT SO INTERESTING!
Some people think that it is cool and cute, or beautiful on their fingers!
But just think about it when you see people (of course mostly GIRLS!) eating in the restaurants with that 'thingy' on their fingers.........*imagining~*....imagine that the piece of the nail color or whatever you call it, falls into you food unnoticed! *yuck!*

One more thing!!! Imagine when you're in a restaurant.... The waitress approaching your table to take your orders... WAIT!!! Don't start imaging thing other than from my words.... hahaha...

ok! ok! let's continue!

You just concentrate on the menu listed..... Stare hard that you want eat them all! Yeah! They look nice and tasty.

Waitress notes the orders, then leave.

Minutes later she back with your food. Slowly putting down the food on the table in front of you~ then you.......................

..........then you see her long, colored nail is in the food without her knowledge!! *yuck! yuck! YUCK!*

Or even worse if she wears the fake nails fall off her fingers into the food!


Cute Meals! Wish I could have them

I received an e-mail from my friend 'MAI'. The subject title is CUTE MEAL....

Well I don't know how to explain it... But I think you better check them down here!

DELICIOUS!!!!! I WANT THEM ALL!!!.....AND stuff them in my stomach... hahahaha

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