Adam Lambert Kissing Another Dude (American Idol 8)

If you are an American Idol fan, you might know who is ADAM LAMBERT from season 8!!!

Yes, I am a fan of Adam Lambert. At first I found this kind of news in from WHATTHEBUCKSHOW Channel. I at first could believe it, but when i wanted to check the latest new about American Idol 8 since I frequently missed the show!..

Here is what i found from
(just some copy paste job!)


Would you call this the kiss of death… at least for his chances in American Idol? I always suspected that there was something ‘different’ about him but never gave it much thought, thinking it was just the aura with his days from the theater. It seems that I was wrong.


So will this affect his chances of winning? We’ll just have to wait and see. Sure he may have lost some votes with the ladies but the guy can sing. Besides, instead of this working against him, it might actually work to his advantage.

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