Blog stop posting. Please redirect!

please be directed and bookmark the new link I'm moving to the new blog called Posterous, but this site will stay alive since most of my posts are here.Please do edit and record the bookmark of the new li...

Highschool Of The Dead (Anime & Manga)

As you know from ANN or any other anime news updates, Highschool Of The Dead is in anime. Release recently in Summer 2010, and still on going (now the anime is still on Ep 10) Honestly I haven't finish reading the Manga yet, but I heard from my friends about the anime has been released recently, so I check out the first episode. Result?!!!! I mean my view?! I totally hate the animation!!!...

Shaped Watermelon For The Season

Now that it is watermelon season, which has replace the pear and grape season. I do really like watermelon that every time my relative when to any supermarket that we HAVE to buy one.Unfortunately today I found out one of my friends does not like watermelon... reason? Too watery, not solid! (LOL) In Japan, now that the season of watermelon, there are variety shapes of watermelon sold. With a VERY...

First ITB Culture Night Is Coming

I am so excited about the upcoming event, which is the very 1st Culture Night by Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB). During this night, there will be most of the clubs in ITB to perform based on their club. So there will be (as much as I can recall): > Japanese Culture Club> Korean Culture Club> Dance Club> Music Club> Gulingtangan Club> Choir Club I cannot wait for this.   For former ITB students and and students, it will only open to you.   More info about the...

Sorry For No Post For A While

I'm very sorry about this, but currently my computer is having a problem that caused me to stop using my computer for a while. Even my assignment for my study also 'nothing-much-can-do'   But for the meantime, I'll try to post via email using my phone.. Please do give me some tim...
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"I'm do not plagiarize my posts from other websites.. I just copy and share what I found with credit/LINKED to the original post. But I sometimes forgot to link them, so don't blame me for that. Hohoho" - Ezura
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