Cop arrested for stealing girl's underwear during investigation

HYOGO - A 26-year-old local police officer was arrested for theft and illegal trespassing early Tuesday after he allegedly stole 25 pieces of underwear from a 14-year-old girl who lived at an apartment he was visiting as part of an investigation. Officer Yuki Miyamoto is suspected of sneaking into the girl’s room and stealing underwear from her dresser after visiting the apartment on Saturday.

The girl had phoned police after being flashed by a strange man on the same day, and Miyamoto had taken the call. He visited the girl’s apartment on
Saturday afternoon. Only the girl and her younger sister, 13, were home at the time. Later that night, the girl was about to get into the bath when she noticed that all her panties were gone. Her mother called the police.

According to police, after speaking with the girl at the entrance to the apartment, Miyamoto said that he would like to check her bedroom. The girl quoted him as saying that he had to call headquarters in private. She said he took his bag and went into her room to make a call.

Miyamoto first denied the charges, but changed his statement and admitted to stealing the girl’s panties. He said he threw them away after realizing he would be caught.

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