Brunei 1st Official DevMeet 09 got into Local News

I am HAPPY to hear that the local newspaper published about the Brunei Cosplay!!!

For me, now Brunei is no longer the 'unknown' country by some others (cos I have a LOT of friends out there somewhere in the world), and to the viewers and stalkers.. XD.

I haven't read or see the newspaper of that day... but I heard about it from my friend, Double H from Hobby Chaos.
Also I'd like to thanks to TFF for displaying news from the newspaper website... (but the page has been deleted... well, as always...)

Here's the story:-

More than 150 went all out with costumes to resemble their favourite anime characters yesterday during an Art and Cosplay competition.
Japanese anime enthusiasts, who came from all four districts, got creative with custom-made costumes and some even bought their costumes just to look exactly like their preferred anime characters.

Hjh Hamizah, who came as Arisato Minato of Persona 3, was awarded 1st prize by Eric of Toy Nation for winning the best costume in the Cosplay competition.
Second place went to Md Ridzuan who came as Danvo of Yotsuba while Dk Izzatus took the 3rd prize as Crona in Soul Eater.

Johan bin Johani won first place in the drawing competition.
The cosplay competition winners were judged based on their stage performance and precision of costumes. Basically, the more they act and look like their favourite characters, the higher their chances of winning.

According to Ak Ahmad Shafie, a member of the organising committee, the contest hoped to get local anime enthusiasts together to share their hobbies and talents, make new friends, and create exposure for the existing large number of anime fans in Brunei.

“Japanese anime is very popular worldwide and we only wish to promote cosplay culture, just like in Malaysia and Singapore where a hobby like this is very much shared among large groups of people, especially the younger generation,” said Ak Ahmad Shafie.

“This competition is the first of its kind for us. Usually we meet up for outings, share anime stories, draw and simply just carry out anime-related activities.”

The organisers also claimed that the number of people taking part for their activities keep increasing every time.

The organisers were amazed by the number of people who signed up for the event, as it was not advertised publicly. News were shared through word of mouth and social network such as Facebook.

More info, please check on other websites (With Photos)

Photos are still being uploaded into Facebook profiles (of most of the cosplayers), and still thousands more in the the folder.. But I hope the links I provide you will do.... Hope you enjoy....

(I will upload the photos from my camera soon)

This whole event was sponsored by the local toy store Chong Hock. Feel free to visit their blog @

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