Festival Of Abusive Language??!!

I actually found it very interesting (and surprised!). I never thought that there such thing of abusive language festival...

This festival took place in Japan where about 300 people gathered a temple in Tochigi prefecture on the night of the 31st so they could let out some stress by screaming bad words at Saishoji temple’s “Festival of Abusive Language.”

Here’s a news clip that includes a couple foreigners joining in the fun:

Here's some quote taken from 1993 New York Times
"Once a year, we can get rid of our pent-up frustrations," said Ryoken Numajiri, the head priest of the Saishoji Temple. The temple is the headquarters for the Akutare Matsuri, which might best be translated as the "naughty festival" or perhaps the "festival of abusive language." Plenty Worth Abuse

(Via JapanProbe.com)

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