Sunday Valentine’s Day makes Japanese chocolate companies frown

Looks yummy?!

OF COURSE!!! It's for Valentine's Day on Sunday, 14 Feb 2010.

This year’s Valentine’s Day will fall on a Sunday. This is bad news for Japanese chocolate companies, because it means almost no women will be in their offices that day to givegiri choco to their male co-workers:

According to a survey cited in the above news clip, 58% of respondents said they will not give anyone “giri choco” this year. Some stores are hoping to lure customers with fancy stuff like chocolate fondue sets, but it’s unlikely to make up for the loss of obligatory chocolates for co-workers.

Giri Choco is chocolate given on Valentine's day. This is often given to co-workers, casual acquaintances, etc. This is generally reciprocated on White day.

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