My Story

It's time for me to get a bit personal..

Since this is my blog.. and I usually post about random stuff and news, now I want to share a bit of my story.

For today's 'menu' is the story of my Love life.

It is true that I had a relationship before... with someone I NEVER expect that he is...... *thinking of the suitable word*... worse should I say. And that's not in the 'ingredient list' of out menu today.

3 years after I ended my relationship in 2006, I could say that I actually found someone.. I wasn't looking for someone in my life at that time. Somehow this guy made me change again.

It was somewhere in September 2009, during night, while waiting for my cousin to pick me up. I was all alone to think about it, yet my senior couldn't stay with me for the waiting.. He has to go somewhere. Yet he asked his friend to help him to wait for me. *I can say he is very nice senior*.

The friend, yeah, he then agreed since he had nothing to do. So we sat in the lobby, waiting for my cousin to pick me up in ITB. We talked a lot, shared a lot like birthday, favorites, stories, even a bit personal stories like home and love.. *can you imagine that? During the first time we actually meet and talked to each other*

I was kinda impress about his stories, and found that we had common stuffs in our life.. Like hadn't in a relationship for 3 years after the last relationship, month of birthday and stuff. I was interested even more about him..

Ever since that night, I getting closer and closer to him, without noticing that I actually felt for him. OMG!!! Somehow this guy changed me again.... I was into relationship ever since the last one. Never realize it until one of my friend asked me about my friendship with him.. *sigh*

Then I tend to 'stalk' him via Facebook, talk and chat with him via MSN, hang out, etc. Until one time I found a girl that looks like interested into him for me.. I tried to investigate... yet never had an evil mind in my head.. At the end I gave up on looking at the girl..

Then one day, somehow my heart turned to cold.. I suddenly feeling the lost of love in me... and I feel like I don't trust love anymore.

I still do love him, yet my heart changed.. There was something that made my heart changed. This is not a matter of 'liking' this person, but 'loving' him. I maybe sound like emo, but I am not.. I just wanted to share my love story.

I bet you're asking what happened next! Well, I still friend and seeing him quite a while. However I feel that I can never tell him how a feel unless my heart is open again. Not to blame him, but he was the reason of my cold heart. Because I'm not his type.. But I don't care... Because I can't afford to lose a friend anymore.

Let's see, how long it will take to open my heart again? By who? Perhaps I shall wait another 3 or so years to get my heart again..

Ah well, yeah... my story is a bit boring, but at least I share it to the world... Will you tell me about your love story? I would LIKE to read it.. ^^ please do mail me under subject: [Love] or comment this..

*time to get working and find some news or stuff*

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