Married In Heaven

[Waiting for friends to come for the wedding]

[Wedding Ceremony is in the halfway, just outside the church]

[Activities after the Wedding Ceremony. Everyone was hungry in the real life at that time! ^-^]

This is where I finally found my soulmate (not reality!) from heaven.

Last night was my wedding day in the online game called [Angels Online] {}

LOL! just showing off my pictures of my-simple-wedding day!

[Near] and I was planning to marry after completing the [Marriage Quests], but didn't expect that the cost of [Lux Wedding] was 500000 golds (5K) and we didn't have that much money!~

We invited all of our friends who were online at that time. I mean, it's not always that you could see someone your friend is marrying in online game. It also the only time that the other people could get [Micheal's Blessing] for attending friend's marriage! It's a blessing that could make someone lucky or get higher EXP (i think!).

Oh gosh!

Only if we got enough money to afford it, I might be in a wedding dress with tiara on my head!

And [Near] is such a sweet guy, even in reality.


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