1. Have you ever been asked out? [Big Yes]
2. Where was your default picture (on facebook)? [ITB ECA Showcase 2010]
3. What's your middle name? [Hidayatul]
4. Your current relationship status? [Yes, and I'm looking forward for someone]
5. Does your crush like you back? [Who was my crush? But I do have crush on someone before]
6. What is your current mood? [I don't know, I'm a complicated girl when asked something like that]
7. What is the colour of the underwear you're wearing? [huh?1 erm... White? Oh wait! Why do I have to answer this?! 0.0]
8. What is the colour of the shirt you're wearing? [Black shirt with grey jacket]
9. Missing something? [Missing someone is]
10. If you could go back in time and change something, what would you do? [Recover my friendships]
11. If you must be an animal for a day, what? [Meow~ *yawns...naps*]
12. Ever had a near death experience? [Twice, I think!]
13. Something you do a lot? [Sleep and online! I'm a pothead]
14. The song stuck in your head? [Bad Apple!!]
15. Who did you copy and paste this from? [My not-so-cute cousin, Iantie ('>.>)]
16. Name someone with the same birthday as you? [Mesh 'Something'......]
17. When was the last time you cried? [Last late night, for a friend]
18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience? [Not my talent!]
19. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? [Healer]
20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? [Personality]
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks? [Wish for Iantie to buy me something from there]
22. What's your biggest secret? [If I tell, it wont be a secret anymore]
23. Favourite colour? [Green, lime, sky blue, cyan, black, black, black, white, black, brown, black....]
24. Do you still watch kiddie movies or tv shows? [Sorta!]
25. What's on your walls? [Nothing much, except windows, air-conditioner, and photos of friends]
26. What are you? [A human, of course! +_+']
27. Do you speak any other language? [English, Malay, Iban, and bit Japanese, and chinese will make all the recipe of ROJAK]
28. What's your favourite smell? [Green TEA!!!, Jasmine, Lavander, Tropical scents]
29. Describe your life in one word. [Content]
30. Have you ever kissed in the rain? [No body kiss me yet! DUH!!~]
31. What are you thinking about right now? [Him! No! That Guy! No! Him! No!..... ('>.>)]
32. What should you be doing? [Research for Jap-On! blog, and reply Jap-On! forum]
33. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? [I can't remember who, but I do get erupted easily]
34. How often do you talk to God? [He can hear my heart]
35. Do you like working in the yard? [Depends on my mood]
36. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want? [Name is nothing just a indication of someone, but if you ask me, it would be Fairlady? (SecondLife Last Name)]
37. Do you act differently around the person you like? [According to some of my friends, I do, but I don't know (=_=')]
38. What is your natural hair colour? [Black and a bit brown]
39. Who was the last person to make you cry? [Eddie did! He's a herk! Making me cry again!~ T-T hehe But I don't hate him]
Huh?! Thta's it?! (o.O?)
Thanks to Iantie for the quiz!~
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2 Response to "39 Question (From Iantie)"
#15 =- it's true from me but bear in mind, this cousin of yours is cute ;)
Pfft!!~ yuck!~ hahahaha
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