Apple Store Robbed in 31sec Flat

Can't you believe it???

The 5 men robbed the Apple Store in just 31 sec flat

source: Apple Store Robbed in 31 sec

They stole 23 MacBook Pros, 14 iPhones, and 9 iPods Touches while the security guard was away. The approximate stolen cost is about US$3000 of each MacBook Pros.

I wonder where would these guys sell it.. Obviously they would sell it.. If not, they would just steal that much items just for them self.

think of it.. Apple items are expensive,... lol

Anyway, I've provided the source link, and thanks to Nana to post this BREAKING NEWS in their blog! *thumbs up*


Anyway.. got an announcement to make here.. I just updated my 'smiles' for my cbox/tagboard.
So, feel free to try.. and no spam please.. lol.. Hehe

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