Banner Request

Thanks for being friends of me, and to those had linked me...

Sorry that recently I don't have the links of you here posted or show. cos I still planing to do the design. but now I'm requesting for those who want to put their original banners in my blog.

The format must be *jpg, *gif or *png.
Size: at least width: 240px, height: 70px
Please provide your web or blog link, and blog name.
You can send me the html code of your banner if you want to, but make sure it's adjustable for the size.

any banner can be sent to my mail: nadia[dot]nancy[at]gmail[dot]com
or just send me via live conversation (MSN) directly.
or comment on this blog post (I really prefer this one)

Please do send your banner at least 1, and you can send max 5 so that I can choose which to use as your banner or make it as *gif

anybody who want to view some banner that is in my blog, please look in my sidebar as your reference.

simple but cool!!!

simple *gif, with multiple banners put together in one.

cool *gif transition (i still don't know how to make this)

**If you hover your mouse on the banners, you'll see the title or link comment. So you can include the title in your banner link if you're using html code.**

any invalid link or linked to other web (x-rated), not suitable banner like contains adult contents, and any other inappropriate matters WILL immediately rejected

I'll inform if I already finish customize the banner - Friends/Exits site.

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