PS4 and XBOX 720 Design Concept


PS3 Slim has been just released and we all have been raving about how cool the new and sleek console really is. However, that is still PS3 and we must be a long way from PS4. If you think it is too early to think about PS4, designer Tai Chiem thinks otherwise.

If the controller is made of glass too, you may face such risks but you could always be a little careful when it comes to playing with something so cool as this.

Yet when I show these to my friends from ITB, they commented that it is cool, but risky... haha yup! RISKY!!

You don't want to play game and lose, then you put your anger to the console like throwing it.. It'll might just break into pieces, and you have to buy another new one (which is very costly if I predict the retail price)


XBOX 720

This design looks like an alien space ship. Haha
Which is cool!~~ I love this.

They come with different colors!

Source: PS3 Maven

Tai Chiem
click the name to see some more design concept of technology by Tai Chiem

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