Upon a group of people,
There will be always a kitten.
One the kitten tag along, then left behind.
Day after day,
found again the human who once called friends,
Trying to catch up,
Yet left again.
'I though I could give them happiness'
Said the kitten.
Yet nobody hears her heart.
'I though I am one of them'
Said the kitten.
Yet nobody cares.
The new chapters should have started,
Expected to have happy story.
Yet none were found.
Silence, sadness and pain in the heart,
the little hopeless kitten no longer have shoulder to cry on.
Yet no tears.
Thus nobody cares.
Chapter by chapter,
Day by day,
Week by week,
'I was the one who reunited them'
Yet forgotten!
Searching for new humans,
Yet history always repeated on it's own.
Yet another days of the forgotten kitten.
By Ezura
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